Is Listening To Music A Hobby?

Is Listening To Music A Hobby?

Every individual has a unique taste in music which no one can deny. There are different types of music which are country music, pop music, rock music, rap, hip-hop, folk, and more. And each of the genres of music has a separately large fan base. 

It might be hard to find a person who doesn’t listen to music or hates listening to music. Thus, a person has listened to music at any certain period of his life. I mean, one even needs to listen to music to hate or love it.

Listening to music can be of great benefit. It can affect our brain and mental health in an effective way. It lifts our mood, increases our concentration power, and the list of benefits goes on.

Now, you may ask, is listening to music a hobby? Yes! Listening to music is more than just a hobby, it is a passion or an addiction to some people. Music as a part of a lifestyle can enhance a person’s views on leading life. If you want to know how music affects your day-to-day life along with your mental health then you are in the right article.

The topic of discussion of today’s article is the different factors affected due to listening to music as a hobby. “How is listening to music a hobby?”, “Does listening to music affect your brain?”, “Can listening to music be a waste of time?”, “Does listening to music help you focus and concentrate on your studies and work?”. Well, if these are the questions that are lurking inside your intriguing mind, then we recommend you to keep reading. You might find all the answers to your curious questions here.  

Why do people like to listen to music?

You can find different proofs that music has become an integral part of our modern lives. You can see a large crowd at concerts or shows of any well-known musician or singer. We have friends who love to roam around with headphones in their ears or one who loves to hum to music when working. We have also seen people listen to music on their radios whenever they are stuck in traffic jams or going for a long drive. So, you can understand how listening to music is so popular among people of all generations.

But why do people like listening to music? Well, people love listening to music due to the amazing benefits music provides. Researchers say, starting your day by listening to music can make you feel pumped up. It helps you increase your productivity for the day. It brightens up your mood and eliminates those gloomy feelings. Some people have said that they love to listen to music as they can relate their lives to the lyrics. Listening to music can give you confidence and motivation to work on yourself. It helps you to relax and move on from painful situations such as heartbreaks. 

Music is a language that helps you in bonding and enhances communication with everyone around you. Well, music has an impact on improving an individual’s creativity and socializing skills. We will discuss the benefits in detail in the further section of this article so hang on! The article is going to get better and more informative. 

What happens to your brain when you listen to music?

Music impacts our health in every way. There have been many studies and researches about how listening to music affect our brain. Let’s get to know the results of listening to music from different researches and studies done by different institutes.

  • According to researchers, listening to music triggers the production and secretion of dopamine hormone in our brain. As we know, dopamine is also called the happy hormone. You can see, your brain rewards your body with the dopamine hormone at moments of excitement. Dopamine hormone reduces your sadness and depression along with increasing the motivation to do something innovative. This means listening to music can make you happier.
  • Listening to music also improves your mood and gives you a better memory. It increases your focus and concentration. In this way, you can remember or memorize things efficiently. 
  • There are studies regarding how listening to music during sleep affects our brain. We can learn this from research conducted by Dr. Jan Born from the University of Tubingen, Germany, with 11 volunteers. The volunteers were taught some words the previous evening and were asked to recite them the next morning. So, when the volunteers were asleep, they listened to music due to which the researchers synced their brain activity with simulating music. In this way, the music was played in sync with the slow oscillation rhythm of the brain. In this way, the outcome has proved to show improvements in the volunteer’s memory development. 
  • When we listen to music, we move our hands and feet according to the rhythm. This situation resembles Hebbian or Hebb’s Theory of two neurons firing at the same time. When we simultaneously sync the movement of our hands or legs to the rhythm of music ( you can call it dancing), our body will also match the rate of heartbeat and breathing with the rhythm. This study of association can help us teach motor and breathing abilities to a certain category of disabled people.
  • Our brain is triggered in multiple areas when we listen to music. Our listening abilities, memories, and associated emotions, body movement, and visual imagination heighten when we listen to music we like. We can say that listening to music helps our brain multitask and influence other senses of our body.
  • According to a study conducted by Stanford University, listening to music helps us focus more on our studies and work. Listening to focus helps us to concentrate more and remember things better. It helps to increase our productivity and ensure better performance.
  • Listening to music triggers the creative part of our body that helps us to think and do things out of the box.
  • Our memory power and verbal intelligence are also impacted when we listen to music. We get to memorize more and speak more smartly.
  • Music also helps drivers to remain alert when driving on the road. In fact, it also keeps the elderly brain sharp and alert. 
  • Many types of research have shown that by listening to music, dementia patients get to remember details from their past.

What do you call a person who loves listening to music?

Well, different linguists categorize the love of different things in different ways. A person who loves music is said to be a melophile. On the other hand, a person with a strange addiction or abnormal feelings towards music is known as a melomaniac. 

Why is listening to music a hobby?

Music has become one of the important parts of an individual’s daily life. People listen to music when they sleep when they wake up when they are at leisure when they are sad or bored when they are happy when they are studying or working, when they are driving to their destination, and the list of times when people listen to music goes on. 

Listening to music is of course a hobby. Well, to some people it is more than just a hobby, It is a sort of passionate addiction to them. But can you answer why listening to music is a hobby? Well, if we answer that, people mainly listen to music when they can relate their lives to the lyrics of the music. When you are happy, you listen to happy and jolly songs.

On the other hand, when you are sad, you listen to gloomy heartbreaking songs. Again, when we are in love or having butterflies in our stomachs, we listen to music that heightens those lovey-dovey feelings in our minds. We listen to music depending on our mood. Every person has a different taste in music and we obviously cannot judge that. Some people listen to music as they can relate to it. On the other hand, they listen to music for the purpose of learning or for leisure. 

Another reason why people listen to music is how it impacts an individual’s life. In this article, we have mentioned how music benefits and affects our lives along with our mental health. Music can also impact our physical health. Listening to music while exercising improves our determination and productivity. In this way, we can stay fit. Music has turned into a part of a person’s life. It can be considered as a friend when we are at peak emotions. 

So, in case you are curious to know why people listen to music as a hobby, we hope you got your answer. 

What are the benefits of listening to music as a hobby?

Up to now, you should have understood how listening to music is beneficial to our life. People like and listen to different genres of music. Every individual has a personal taste in music be it pop, rock, hip-hop, or the soundtracks on movies. It is said that music heals your body, mind, and soul. And there is no doubt in that. There are many advantages that we can get when listening to music as a hobby. We have included some of the benefits of listening to music in the following section. 

  • Listening to music is beneficial to health. It helps to reduce our blood pressure and heartbeat. It tries to keep our cardiovascular health sound, making us feel relaxed. Our breathing rate is also soothed when we listen to music. 
  • When we listen to music as a hobby, our brain cells are stimulated, increasing our concentration and remembrance power. Along with it, our thinking power and alertness are also boosted. 
  • Music helps stay relaxed creating a state of calm. It increases our motivation and will to do something. We feel more confident and self-believing.
  •  Listening to music also makes us think more creatively and also increases our productivity. Some people claim that when they listen to music when we are working or studying, their attentiveness and productivity increase. 
  • Our mental health is also affected when we listen to music as a hobby. Stress and anxiety levels reduce notably due to the rhythm of music-making us feel calmer and have a better mood. It reduces depressed feelings and other mental diseases effectively. 
  • Listening to soft music can help us get a good sleep. We all know how essential a good night’s sleep is for our health. Sleep is like a medicine that keeps our body and mind sound.
  • Music ensures increased optimism and positivity in our life along with improved self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • People also get to socialize with people who share the same taste in music with them. In this way, the communication and socializing skills of an individual are improved.

So these were some of the benefits of listening to music as a hobby. Listening to music, our pain tolerance is increased, making us feel stronger. It can be fun and creative to listen to music as a group. It helps you to socialize and also improves your verbal intelligence. Listening to music can be an awesome confidence booster. Our confidence and self-powering emotions are also improved when listening to music.

Research shows that the people who listen to music as a hobby or are good at music tend to learn other languages faster and more fluently. These people get improved listening skills which helps them to catch a new language faster than a person who doesn’t listen to much music. Listening to music enhances the skills of our brain to grasp information and process it for remembering it later. Music improves our visual and imagination skills. Well, music impacts our life from all angles. The benefits of listening to music as a hobby are many and the research and studies about them are conducted every day. 

What are the effects of music on our life?

Music is like medicine to the gloomy and depressed mind. When a person finds some relatable lyrics to any ongoing crisis, he or she tries to find positivity in his or her life by listening to that particular music. 

Music affects a person’s life in many ways. It helps a person to see life from a different aspect. Along with that, It helps to improve the focusing and judgment skills of an individual. Music also plays a role in improving bonding and socializing skills. It helps our affectionate emotions to be developed.

Music can also be a voice of protest. It can help a person be motivated and determined in his task. Different studies conducted by different well-known institutes have proven that listening to music strengthens endurance to mental pain as well as physical pain. Listening to music can help a person to grow into a better human being.

Can listening to music affect our mental health?

Yes! Up to now, you have understood the amazing benefits of listening to music. Music also impacts our mental health greatly. Some of the mental health benefits of listening to music are explained in the following.  

  • Researches have shown that listening to music reduces the amount of secretion of cortisol hormone in our body. Cortisol hormone, also known as the stress hormone, is considered as a prime culprit for cardiovascular diseases, weakened immunity, and low bone density. So listening to music reduces stress that helps our body to stay healthy and away from fatal diseases.
  • Another research has shown listening to music triggers the secretion of Endorphins and Dopamine in our body. Both Endorphins and Dopamine play an important role in reducing stress and anxiety along with improving happy feelings in our body. 
  • Listening to music reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. It gives our life more alleviated motivation and purpose to lead it modestly. Studies have shown that listening to music can reduce anxiety by up to 65%. 
  • Listening to music can help us stay more calm and relaxed in any panicked situation. 
  • You can get more creative, productive, and attentive when you listen to music as a hobby. Music also impacts our sleep. It helps us get a good sleep that helps us to be more hardworking at our studies or workstations.

Why is listening to music, not a hobby? Is listening to music a waste of time?

Some people don’t consider listening to music as a hobby. They take listening to music as a waste of time. But do you think this thought is appropriate? Well, we are not trying to judge, everybody has a right to express their opinion. Yet, people wonder, Is listening to music a waste of time?

Well, looking at the amazing benefits of listening to music, we would answer that question by saying, absolutely not! Listening to music is definitely not a waste of time. It can be a hobby, in fact, an addiction for a better and more productive life.  

But, when you listen to too much music and it starts affecting your studies and work in a bad way, then you are not using music in the right way. There is a lot of violent music which we think must be avoided. These sorts of music instigate people on the wrong path of life. And, this is not the motive of listening to music. In fact, it can destroy an individual’s life along with the foundations of society.

So, whenever you notice, listening to music has more demerits than merits, you should understand that you are listening to music as a waste of time. A hobby is supposed to make a human being better, so you should understand that if you can’t find any benefits from listening to music, then it is not your hobby. 

Can you add listening to music on your job CV or resume?

We understand that most people want to brag about the music they hear. They want to socialize and bond with people of the same music taste encouraging new friendships to bloom. But, if you are wondering whether you should include listening to music on your job CV or resume, well, we suggest not to do that. 

If you can sing, dance, or play a musical instrument then obviously you should include your talent on your resume. If you have an expensive hobby such as horse-riding, drifting, you can also add those to your resume. But listening to music is not considered to be a talent, which is why we don’t suggest adding it to your Job CV or resume or you can briefly write it in your hobbies. Again, if the job you are applying for requires listening to music, then you can add listening to music as a hobby on your Job CV or resume.

Final Thoughts

We hope you have gained adequate knowledge regarding listening to music. We have mentioned how amazingly music benefits our life in all aspects be it mental or physical. Music helps your brain to process and interpret new information faster and efficiently. It helps to alleviate your mood and eradicate monotony and depression. There have been many studies showing how listening to music can make you feel stress-free, anxiety-free, and relaxed. Listening to music can strengthen your endurance and tolerance to pain and heartbreaking emotions. And you can listen to music when you are walking, standing, dancing, bored, working or studying. 

You can listen to music at any time you want. Listening to music is one of the best hobbies out there. It can help you interact with new people and also befriend people who share the same preferences as you do. You can improve your listening skills, visual imagination skills, creativity, and learning skills. You can even develop yourself by listening to music. Listening to music during exercises and work-outs can influence you to work harder with determination and motivation. You can stay fit listening to music mentally and physically. 

Another fun fact is that you can spend hours listening to music without boring yourself while studying or working. In this way, you get productive and better outcomes from your task. Listening to music can make you feel better as a human being. If you can relate to music, you can find peace, happiness, and positivity in life. Music benefits a human being wonderfully and these benefits are very essential to develop and sustain a better and more beautiful life.

Samuel Smith

Samuel Smith is a curious person with tremendous experience. He enjoys sharing his story with everyone and is always ready for new opportunities.

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