What Does Doki Doki Mean?

What Does Doki Doki Mean?

If you are a fan of Japanese culture, you must have heard of syllables such as “Doki Doki”, “Goro Goro”, “Ara ara” and more. These syllables are used to express joy, sadness, in fact, every emotion that is happening around us. In this article, we will explain the famous and trending syllable, “Doki Doki”. 

“Doki Doki” is a part of the Japanese library of words that are used to express emotions that are considered to be void. If you are curiously looking for the answer to “What does Doki Doki Mean?” or “What is Doki Doki?”, Well you are in the right place. In this article, we will define what Doki Doki is, along with its origin, and in addition, we will show some examples of how you can use Doki Doki in a sentence. Before we dive into knowing the meaning of Doki Doki, you should know what onomatopoeia is. In case you don’t know what onomatopoeia is, don’t worry we will explain it to you now.

What Is Onomatopoeia?

We listen to different sorts of sounds around us. We hear the bees buzzing, dogs barking, the sound of the wind and rain, the sound of water drops, and more. Well, there are appropriate words in the dictionary representing these sounds. This appropriate word library is called onomatopoeia.

In simpler words, onomatopoeia is the word that represents the sound of something. Every day we use words like pop, crack, buzz, phew, and more to add a more vivid description in our English language. 

Well, the Japanese people are quite serious about describing something more accurately and vividly. Japanese onomatopoeia is a huge word library that contains many words that represent the sound caused by some living being or event. These words can also be called ideophones since they represent a sound more accurately and with flair. For example, in the English language we say the sound of a dog is bark, whereas according to the Japanese onomatopoeia, it is wan wan. The Japanese onomatopoeia is the library with words that actually imitate the sounds. In fact, every sound including animal sounds, emotional sounds, nature sounds, and mimetic sounds are included in these vivid and accurate sound imitating words. 

There is a large number of onomatopoeia in the Japanese language to express a sound more accurately with flair. These onomatopoeias are divided into 5 sections where 

  • Giseigo 擬声語 – This represents sounds created by animal and human beings such as a person laughing or an animal crying in pain.
  • Giongo 擬音語 – This represents sounds made by non-living objects and nature such as the sound of raindrops or the sound of windows.
  • Gitaigo 擬態語 – The words of this division are used to describe conditions and states such as warmth, pain, sweat, or uneven roads.
  • Giyougo 擬容語 –  The words of this division are used to describe motion of something with more vivid insight.
  • Gijougo 擬情語 –  The words of this division are used to describe feelings more accurately.

If you are a Japanese learning student, you should use onomatopoeia words in your sentences, this will add more confidence and flair. Or, if you are confused about any syllable you saw in manga or anime, well you might find the meaning in the Japanese onomatopoeia.

Is Doki Doki Onomatopoeia?

Yes, Doki Doki is a part of onomatopoeia. Japanese culture is rich in onomatopoeia words or words that imitate sounds. If you are wondering in which division of Japanese onomatopoeia does Doki Doki fall, well Doki Doki is a special word because it holds the meaning which is the part of both gisei-go (sound of a living thing) and gijou-go (sound of an emotional state).

What Does Doki Doki Morning Mean?

Well, Doki Doki is used to represent the state of your heartbeat when it is at the peak of emotions. You must have also heard of Doki Doki Morning. Well, if you translate Doki Doki Morning, it means Heart-Pounding morning. It is not an onomatopoeia or a sound imitating word. In fact, it is a song by BabyMetal released on October 22, 2011.

Is Doki Doki And Ara Ara The Same?

No, Doki Doki and Ara Ara are not the same. Well, there are two different words with different meanings. So what is Ara ara then?

Firstly, Doki Doki is a Japanese onomatopoeia, a word that imitates the sound of the heartbeat at a fastened pace.

Secondly, Ara ara is a Japanese word that is used to express astonishment or wonder. Well, Ara ara is also used in many memes that are circulating in social media receiving a lot of user interactivity.

Is Doki Doki And Uwu The Same?

Well, No, Doki Doki is not the same. These are two Japanese words expressing different meanings. Well, we know the meaning of Doki Doki now, then what is Uwu? 

As we explained, Doki Doki is a Japanese word that represents the sound of a fast-paced heartbeat with a more vivid description. It is used in many Japanese manga, anime, or video games.

On the other hand, Uwu is an emoticon of a cute face that expresses happy, warm and affectionate meaning. Here, the U is supposed to represent the eyes whereas W should be representing the mouth of the cute face. This emoticon is used a lot in social media memes at present.

Does Doki Doki Mean Boyfriend Or Girlfriend?

No, Doki Doki doesn’t mean a close boyfriend or girlfriend. Doki Doki is a part of Japanese onomatopoeia. This Japanese word is used to represent the sound of the heartbeat. It can be used to express the state or condition when your heartbeat is at an excited or panicked pace. This word can also be used to express the “butterflies in your stomach” situation of your heartbeat as in when you are with your intimate loved one.

Why is Doki Doki famous?

Because of the viral Japanese game, Doki Doki became the center of curiosity of the internet world. Doki Doki is sometimes referred to as the free Japanese horror video game, called Doki Doki Literature Club or DDLC. Well, this internet game has stirred some controversy in the UK. DDLC, a video game released by Team Salvato, sold as a horror video game which is in fact a dating simulator game in disguise. This game starts with a group of schoolgirls who are doing everything trying to prove that their literature club is worth becoming an official school organization. Well, later on, one thing leads to another drastic thing which is a reason for concern. This game has horror as well as romance but is not really recommended for young gamers.

Well, Doki Doki is used in films, manga, anime, and even video games. One of the well-known Japanese Anime with Doki Doki highlights is Glitter Force Doki Doki which was released back in 2013. Doki Doki is also used in music as well. One of the examples is “Doki Doki Morning”, a song by BABYMETAL which was released in 2011.

How To Use Doki Doki In A Sentence?

Well, Doki Doki can be used in a number of ways. It is a Japanese otomopae or a word representing the sound of a heartbeat. Here, we will be showing some examples of how you can use Doki Doki in a sentence with flair. 

  • 恋 を する と ドキドキ する。
    Koi wo suru to doki-doki suru.
    I feel excited when falling in love.
  • 緊張してドキドキしてる。
    Kinchou-shite doki-doki-shiteru.
    I was nervous and excited.

Well, above were the example of Japanese sentences with Doki Doki, if you wanted to use the word Doki Doki in English, you can use it like the following example, 

  • I feel Doki Doki during exams.
  • How were you feeling after the earthquake? Doki Doki?
  • I get Doki Doki when I see scary horror movies.
  • When I saw him, my heart was all Doki Doki!

Well, Doki Doki is a fun word to use.  Doki Doki is a Japanese onomatopoeia or a word that is used to represent the sound of the heart in a more vivid description. It is used when your heartbeat is at a fastened pace or in an overwhelming state.  We have tried to elaborate the meaning of the word in every way possible. If you are still curious, you can try making your own sentences with Doki Doki. Well, it is not bad to learn more and explore the curiosity you want to know and see.

Samuel Smith

Samuel Smith is a curious person with tremendous experience. He enjoys sharing his story with everyone and is always ready for new opportunities.

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