Does it ever happen that you are speaking in front of a large crowd and you wonder how to thank them for being there for you? That moment, you start thinking about how to thank them or think what is correct, “thanks to all”, “thanks all” or “thank you everyone”. We all fall into such awkward situations where our minds keep pondering about the right grammatical sentence to use.
In another case, Suppose you are giving a presentation at your office, and you want to thank your colleagues for attending. Here you must use the appropriate grammatical sentence. Or otherwise, you get a negative remark and your awesome presentation gets ruined all because of a simple thank you. Well, we don’t want to fall into such situations where we need to wonder about what is correct, “thanks to all”, “thanks all” or “thank you everyone” and get our confidence shaken.
In this article we are going to discuss what is correct- “thanks to all”, “thanks all” or “thank you everyone”? We are also going to add the explanation and grammatical correctness of each of the phrases. So you can be clear about when and how to use them.
Each language has its own assemblage of grammatical rules. These grammatical rules help in expressing our thoughts perfectly on different social occasions. Or we can call it a social language to express our emotions and feelings at a social event.
Social language is the simple and informal or casual language that we use to communicate with our family and friends. There have been different times when we got the urge to thank someone or thank a group of people.
In the English language, the common phrases of thanking people are :
- Thank you
- Thank you very much
- Thank you so much
- Thanks a lot
- Thanks very much
- Thank a ton
- Thanks a lot
- Can’t thank you enough
And many more. Well, these phrases can be used both in the case of one person or more than that. But we always want our speech to be top-notch. Thus when we want to thank a bunch of people, we get confused between “thanks to all”, “thanks all” and “thank you everyone”. These phrases are correct in their own sense with different situations or environments. But they vary in case of their audience, setting, situation, and context.
“Thanks to all”, “Thank you everyone”, and “Thanks all”
“Thanks to all”, “Thank you everyone” and “Thanks all” – all these are correct. But they are different in the case of situation and audience. They have informal and formal meanings, thus their usage is different. It mainly depends on your audience, in front of whom you are going to use these phrases.
Here audience means the people of what age group or which social group. Here the main purpose and idea are that you want to thank your audience and you need to choose the appropriate phrase. The choice of phrase mainly reflects your personality and this affects your image greatly.
Poor choice of a sentence affects your image and this might make people have a negative idea of yourself. This idea is very important in your educational institutions when you are giving an exam or in your workplace during a meeting, presentation, or other formal situation.

Now all the three phrases, “Thanks to all”, “Thanks all” and “Thank you everyone” are appropriate in different scenarios. Choosing which of them are correct mainly is a personal idea and how commonly they are used. Usage of these phrases is based on their preference of situations and audience. If we elaborate on this, we have two types of audience, informal and formal audiences with different situations.
Well, when we have a casual and informal audience such as family and friends, it doesn’t matter which of the phrases we use. The most important thing is that we want to thank them and that’s what matters most to them. We can be very casual and lighthearted to express our gratitude in this way.
On the other hand, when we have a formal audience, we have to be careful to use our sentences. In this case, we need to make sure to use the appropriate sentence with no grammatical mistakes.
So, we need to understand the meaning and grammar of the three phrases, “Thanks to all”, “Thanks all” and “Thank you everyone” so that we can use them appropriately according to the audience and context. If your mind ever keeps wondering what is correct, “Thanks to all”, “Thanks all” or “Thank you everyone”, you should know that their correctness depends on their usage for different contexts and different audiences.
“Thanks to all” – definition and grammatical explanation
“Thanks to all” is a phrase that we use to express our gratitude in front of a group of people. Well, this phrase holds a very general meaning to thank a group of people. Thanks to all are correct if a noun clause is added after it. For that, You just need to add a who after “Thanks to all”. Or,
Thanks to all [who] [did something]
Examples of this structure,
- Thanks to all who helped arranging the shelves
- Thanks to all who attended the memorial
- Thanks to all who did their chores
But, sometimes “thanks to all” sounds awkward and stiff. It seems as if the phrase forcefully tries to anticipate qualification as an expression of gratitude. Such as,
- Thanks to all who remembered to bring their presentation
Thanks to all are correct in their own sense. It can be appropriate if a noun clause is added after Thanks to all. Thanks to all can be used in informal situations. Well, it is not considered to be suitable to be used in formal situations. “Thanks to all”: it sounds very casual, informal, and personal. That’s why it is cool if we refrain from using these informal cases.
Suppose, you are at your family gathering and you want to express your gratitude to your family members for being there for you. In this case, your thought of expressing appreciation matters more than the rules of grammar. You can say it as,
- I would like to say, Thanks to all who came to this family gathering
Or another case, if your friends and family wished you on your birthday, you can say
- I am very happy to say, Thanks to all who remember my birthday.
Now, as mentioned, “Thanks to all” sounds very casual and preferable in front of informal audiences. “Thanks to all” expresses an intimate connection between the speaker and its audience. Now, In our workplaces or other formal places, how we speak matters a lot.
Making grammatical mistakes can bring drastic negative impacts on your well-established image. So we should be careful when choosing our sentences. Even though “Thanks to all” is grammatically correct, it sounds quite awkward to be used in front of a formal audience.
“Thanks all” – definition and grammatical explanation
“Thanks all” is correct, but it should be used taking circumstances into consideration. It is the most casual of the three, “thanks all”, “thanks to all” and “thank you everyone”. It is grammatically correct but suitable for intimate and personal audiences.
“Thanks all” is very casual, but it is seen to be used in some emails. Yet, “Thanks all” sounds very casual for business and professional context. This phrase is appropriate for close and informal audiences.
Suppose, you are at a meeting at your office and you want to express your gratitude to all of your colleagues. Using “Thanks all” at this point would sound quite awkward and unprofessional. Even if “Thanks all” is correct in grammar, it is not pleasant to hear.
Using phrases of gratitude and appreciation such as “thanks all”, “thanks to all” and “thank you everyone” are used according to the audience and context. Well, whichever we use in front of an informal audience doesn’t matter much. In fact, our emotions matter most in this case.
But in front of a formal and professional audience, we have to be careful how we speak. Because reputation is very important in workplaces. And we don’t want any negative impact on our image all because of silly grammatical mistakes in sentences we use to express appreciation. So, this is the reason why we should be a little cautious about how we speak or express our gratitude in front of a formal audience.
Even if “Thanks all” is grammatically correct, it sounds quite awkward to hear. The phrase is very casual and is appropriate for personal and intimate audiences. They may be your friends, close colleagues, relatives, or family members.
Suppose you are on a fishing trip with your friends. Having experienced much cooperation and help from your friends. Here, friends mean multiple people who share a close and personal relationship with you. So, if want to express your appreciation for your friends who made your fishing trip a success, you can just casually turn around and say,
- “Thanks all for being here today!”
This sentence represents your thankful emotions to your friends in a general manner. “Thanks all” is very lightweight and brief to express your gratitude.
On the contrary, if you use it at your workplace or in front of any formal audience, it would be quite weird. Suppose, you are at a grand event, where you are receiving an award.
Saying “thanks to all” at such an event might sound weird and awkward since many prestigious and high-profile guests might be attending the event. That’s why this phrase is not suitable outside the personal zone.
So, in the closure, “Thanks all” is ideal for use in front of less formal or informal audiences such as your friends and family who don’t care much about grammar more than your sentiments.
“Thank you everyone” – definition and grammatical explanation
“Thank you everyone” is a very formal phrase that can be used in front of any audience without much worry. As we know, the audience and situation determine the correctness of “thanks to all”, “thanks all” and “thank you everyone”. Among the three phrases, “Thank you everyone” is the most formal.

Suppose, you are in front of a formal audience and you want to thank them for being there. You can just say
- “Thank you everyone for attending the seminar.”
If you are in a formal situation such as a conference or seminar, using “Thank you everyone” sounds very earnest and generous. In such a situation you can simply say “Thank you everyone” or add a noun clause after the phrase to add more sincerity. Such as,
- “Thank you everyone for helping me.”
- “Thank you everyone who is here today.”
- “Thank you everyone who attended the conference.”
“Thank you everyone” can smoothly be used as a concluding sentence for a short speech. This sentence is generally used everywhere, in fact formally and informally. “Thank you everyone” is very straightforward in expressing gratitude sincerely and generously.
It doesn’t matter where you use it. But this sentence has a very formal vibe making it appropriate for use in front of formal audiences. You can also use it casually for your friends and family.
Which one is better – “Thanks to all”, “Thank you everyone” or “Thanks all”?
As we discussed, the usage of “thanks to all”, “thanks all” or “thank you everyone” generally depends on the situation, context, and audience. There aren’t many differences between the phrases. They are just sentences that express a person’s gratitude and appreciation towards a group of people. But, these sentences differ only in one scenario and that is formal and informal scenarios.
“Thank you everyone” is the most formal in comparison to “thanks to all” and “thanks all”. Meaning “Thank you everyone” is safer to use in informal and formal scenarios. The way we speak or use grammatical sentences matters more in front of a formal audience whereas it doesn’t matter much in front of an informal audience.
Thus, if you are ever wondering which is better, “thanks to all”, “thanks all” or “thank you everyone”. The answer is “thank you everyone” is better since this sentence can be used anywhere without having to worry about the context and audience.
Books That May Help Your Grammar Questions
One of the books I liked for seeking the proper use of openings and closings for new clients and the like is: A Quick Guide to Better Email, Presentations, Telephone Skills, Writing & Grammar (Better Business Communications) it is available for FREE on kindle, or a couple dollars in paper back.
There are many other grammar for English communication books and items available at Amazon. Some favor one way of communication over others. This way you can pick what’s best for you! Click here for a results page on grammar for writing to grammar for email.
When it doesn’t matter, “thanks to all”, “thanks all” or “thank you everyone”?
Using “thanks to all”, “thanks all” or “thank you everyone” doesn’t matter when you are speaking in front of an informal audience. Here, an informal audience means your family and friends or people with whom you share an intimate connection. There is no need of being embarrassed or have fear for our reputation being shaken when we are around our own people. They will not say that you were being informal or rude while thanking us.

When you want to express your gratitude and appreciation for your family and friends, your emotions and the matter that you want to express your thoughts matter more than grammatical rules. They won’t get offended whether you use formal or informal appreciation.
“Thanks to all”, “Thank you everyone” or “Thanks all” are grammatically correct. So you can freely use them in front of your informal audiences. It mostly matters what you say in front of a formal audience, at that moment there are many factors at stake.
So you need to be careful then. In contrast, you don’t have to worry about using “thanks to all”, “thanks all” or “thank you everyone” in front of your family and friends. Grammatical mistakes don’t matter more than your emotions.
I would like to say, thank you everyone who took the time to read to the end!